Devlog 3: Nathan Thorpe

Devlog 3: Pathing and Attacking

This week was focused on finishing up 3rd playable build, with my focus being on the enemy attack and pathing. Before I started working on the pathing, the enemy would only follow their given path with no regard to the player. With that in mind, my first goal was to introduce perception from the enemy to the player. That took some time due to the new system in Unreal Engine 5, stimuli sources; which without it, the perception component would not fully work. Once perception was implemented, I then moved onto creating a new tasked dedicated to chasing the player(As seen in video). 

Once the task was created and the enemy was able to chase the player within their vision, I moved onto getting the enemy to attack the player. This was done by creating another new task for the enemy, along with an Interface for the attack and a BTService. The service allowed me to create a condition where the enemy was not only able to attack when in range but also had the attack be on a delay in order to avoid the player being hit every possible frame. The last addition to the Ai's logic is the Decorator to tell if the player is seen. This allows both behavior tree paths to work regardless. 

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