Devlog 1: Joshua Bray

  1. A lot of my time has been spent in the designing, reviewing, and planning of the project. 
  2. Lack of knowledge of Perforce and the locking of files in Unreal.
  3. Lack of UI/UX needed in the first sprint submission.
  1. With sprints in progress and the start of the project actually underway, I will be able to spend less time pouring of documentation of the game and reviews and more time in actual development of the project. We did a lot of planning to hopefully spend less time discussing during development and more time actually implementing the features that we have decided on.
  2. I consider myself skilled in git and version control in general, but I've never looked at Perforce before. I spent a little time testing with it trying to nail down how exactly it works to avoid as many file conflicts as possible. We made good progress on this front so we understand it a little better. I'm trying to figure out how Perforce handles the concept of branching so we can try to avoid files getting locked up for other team members. I'm hoping branching will prevent this.
  3. I did start coming up with some layouts for our menu systems to hopefully make creation and implementation a little bit easier. Along with these menus, I will also be working on the game states to utilize the different menus.

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